Products Introductions

Products Introductions


Story telling technique using lights

Not only improves illuminance,
but alsodelivers excellent information through light.


Creating a safe street where you can walk freely even at night by brightening up the dark streets and showing a message that makes you feel safe.

Facility use

Effectively delivers facility information messages by using light even at night to provide convenience

Promoting the Regional Economy

By creating special night view, it provides unique attractions and revitalizing and promoting the local economy

Urban regeneration

Effectively delivers information of support phrases, institutional promotion, and policy guidance for major regions withou truining the city scape.


Promotes life convenience by delivering information effectively of improving the urban environment, such as preventing unauthorized dumping and guidance non-smoking areas

Ceo : Rho, Ji-hyo
Registrationnumber : 394-87-00755
Address14118, #1708, 136, LS-ro, Dongan-gu,Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

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